My images create a story by showing how even though alot of people who conform, people still choose to be individuals. my message was that i believe it is better to be an individual, then to be something to please someone else. also, to be yourself despite what people think of you. The pictures say these people are happy being who they are, being different. I choose these pictures because they have a lot to do with how a iam. I tried to choose images that were close to my own self. Their important because there different then most people, there one of a kind. Yes, maybe the hippies and the atheist pictures might offend some people but I think the people that don’t worry about that are the most happy. Ummm, I don’t really get the fourth question ‘^_^ soo im just going to wing it… I think I haven’t really been influenced by the media and images. Maybe when I was younger, but not as a older person. I try to do stuff other people wouldn’t do, wether they like it or not. Uhhh I’ve developed some things on my own, or does it mean have I developed understanding of these themes?? I guess I have, my mom has probely helped but usually I learn from complete strangers… my feelings about them are mixed.., even thought I don’t know what THEY are ahahahaa. I don’t like influencing thigns. Or categories.. or labeling for that matter. I don’t think that speaks well for someones character.
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